Aleda and Mack's Story
Aleda couldn’t be there for her five-year-old when he was rushed to hospital with leukaemia, and it tore her apart.
She discovered there is something worse than hearing that your little boy has leukaemia. It's not being able to be there with him while he's fighting for his life in hospital.
But she also discovered that amazing people like you can make all the difference in the world to families like hers.
My name's Aleda. When Mack, my little boy, was rushed off to Melbourne for intensive chemo, I just wanted to be with him. I couldn't take away his pain, but surely I could hold him and comfort him.
But I couldn't be there.
We live on a farm outside Bendigo, and at that time, I had a nine-month-old baby and a three-year-old at home.
We couldn't find – let alone afford – anywhere to stay in Melbourne at short notice.
So I had to kiss my son goodbye, while I stayed at home caring for my other kids.
It’s a heart-breaking situation, especially for families who are already facing the most stressful and frightening time of their lives.
I don't want any other family to go through that. That's why I'm so very grateful to you for helping to provide Fight Cancer Foundation accommodation for families going through the same thing.
I can tell you, your donation today will make a struggling family very, very happy.
When I got the call to say we could stay at the Fight Cancer Foundation accommodation Centre, it was a happy day.
It meant we could be there for each other. We could be together as a family, and get through things together as a family.
It's the simple things that matter as a mum when your child is so sick. I remember the comfort of just being able to have cuddles together on the couch when he was feeling unwell.
We had a full kitchen, so I could cook his favourite food, because he struggled to eat.
I could stroke his head as he fell asleep each night, and just be there whenever he needed me.
Without the Fight Cancer Foundation accommodation, I honestly don't know how we would have coped. I don't know how Mack would have coped.
Please give now to help families be there for each other, as they fight the toughest battle of their lives.
Please know, on behalf of all the families you'll help through your generous gift today, that you truly are making things better.
No parent should be separated from their child while they're fighting cancer.
Mums and dads must be there for their little ones – it's that simple.
Every week that passes, another family risks being torn apart by cancer. They can’t be there for their loved one in hospital, because they can’t find or afford accommodation nearby.
Children are separated from their parents, mums from their babies, and partners from each other.
These families urgently need your help.
Please make a tax-deductible donation now, before the end of the financial year.