When you host a Footy Colours Day event, you directly help kids with cancer and their families when they need it most. Below, families who have been supported by our education program explain just how much you mean to them and the difference you make.
Meet Eleanor
Bright and bubbly Eleanor was diagnosed with cancer when she was just five years old. Treatment involved five rounds of chemotherapy over eight months, and meant Eleanor missed three terms of school.
"Hosting a Footy Colours Day is a great way of supporting the education support program and it’s a way of helping kids with cancer, like Eleanor, keep up with their education so that they can get back to their lives after." - Meredith, Eleanor's mum
Meet Mason
When Mason was six years old he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. He was absent from his regular classroom for seven months while he underwent treatment.
"The Fight Cancer Foundation education program supported us immensely. When you have a child diagnosed with cancer, to try and keep something normal as possible like schooling, reading and writing, it's something that is really important I think." - Larissa, Mason's mum
Meet Leni
Leni was diagnosed with blood cancer when she was eight years old. She went through nine months of aggressive chemotherapy, lumbar punctures, blood transfusions and more.
"Because of the teachers that we had here and the education support ... she hasn’t missed a beat. You thank your lucky stars for organisations like this. Taking part in Footy Colours Day work places, school places, you’re doing more for just kids it’s for families like ours." - Kellie, Leni's mum
Meet Hailey
Diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in December 2019, Hailey was supported by our education program during the COVID-19 outbreak.
"The Fight Cancer Foundation education program supported our family through that consistent education of Hails throughout her cancer journey and our period in hospital. Having somebody come in and just provide that break from the hospital room ... for myself in particular, I found really, really wonderful." - Leah, Hailey's mum
Molly's story
On her 12th birthday, sports-mad and social butterfly Molly, was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of cancer.
Chase's story
Our youngest and most energetic ambassador, Chase was diagnosed with Wilms Tumor in March 2018 at just four years old.
Jett's story
Jett’s story begins in October 2018 when what seemed to be a simple case of conjunctivitis turned out to be cancer.