All the money you raise through Footy Colours Day funds Fight Cancer Foundation's education support programs, which keep kids with cancer learning while they receive and recover from treatment.
The need for education support for kids with cancer
Every year, more than 950 children and young people aged 0-19 are diagnosed with cancer in Australia.
These kids are absent from school for long periods of time as they go through cancer treatment and recovery. Many drop class levels when they return to school, become isolated from their friends and disengage from their education.
Our education programs fight to reduce the long-term impact of cancer.
“As an educator for 40 years, this role has given me so much joy and positive feedback on the importance of education in the lives of sick children. I am very privileged to be able to help these amazing children and their families.”
– Jan, volunteer teacher at Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick -
Our programs in action
“I don’t want him, for his life, forever having to try to catch up because of what he has been through.” - Kelly, Chase's mum
“It wasn’t until people started asking me in the community ‘Will she have to repeat?’ that I thought ‘Oh I don’t think so’. Fortunately she didn’t have to, but it does happen.” - Sam, Swai's mum
“Maya was getting continuous support from Sonya every day and it was just the best support she could have.” - Sheila, Maya's mum
How do our programs help kids with cancer?
- Maintain their education and connection with their school and school friends
- Provide flexible, individual lesson plans that work around their illness and treatment
- Mix of face-to-face and online learning sessions
- Ease the transition back to 'normal' school life
- Ensure kids with cancer reach their full educational, professional and vocational potential
About Fight Cancer Foundation
Fight Cancer Foundation is a national charity dedicated to providing care, treatment and support for cancer patients and their families and funding vital research into cancer treatment and cures.
Fight Cancer Foundation eases the burden of a cancer diagnosis by offering families practical and much-needed support. Our services include:
- Education - Our specially designed education support programs operate in four major paediatric hospitals across Australia and caters to kids living with cancer who are receiving or recovering from treatment.
- Accommodation - Our accommodation centres in NSW, VIC and Tas provide much-needed comfortable and affordable accommodation for people living with cancer and their families who must travel long distances to access life-saving treatment.
- Research - Fight Cancer Foundation is proud of our longstanding partnership with Melbourne Health and The Royal Melbourne Hospital to fund research into blood cancer.
All the money raised through Footy Colours Day funds Fight Cancer Foundation's education support programs.