Here are some answers to the questions we get asked most frequently. If you can't see what you're looking for, please contact us at or on (03) 9342 2611.
General Questions
What is Footy Colours Day?
Footy Colours Day is Fight Cancer Foundation’s national community fundraising event which asks participants to host an event at their school, organisation, group or club and wear their favourite footy colours for kids with cancer.
What sport are included in Footy Colours Day?
Footy Colours Day celebrates all footy codes! Whether you follow Australian Rules, Rugby League, Ruby Union or Football, wear your favourite footy colours proudly!
How is Footy Colours Day different in the COVID-19 climate?
More than ever we need your help to raise much-needed funds for kids with cancer.
We are working hard to make sure that you can partake in Footy Colours Day whenever and wherever you like. Whether that’s with a socially distanced morning tea, virtual get-together or traditional end of term celebration.
What date is Footy Colours Day?
While September is the ‘official’ Footy Colours Day month, you can host your event on any date you like.
Do I have to participate in September?
Absolutely not! You can host your Footy Colours Day event any day of the year.
Questions about Registration
How do I register?
You can register online here or call us on (03) 9342 2611 if you are having trouble.
Why do I have to register?
We ask you to register so that we can give you your unique supporter number and send you a welcome email before your event.
What is a supporter number and why is it important?
Your supporter number allows us to attribute your donation to you. This enables us to issue you a tax receipt for your donation, and acknowledge all your hard work!
Where do I find my supporter number?
Your supporter number will be emailed to you prior to your event along with your banking instructions form.
What if I lose my supporter number?
If you lose your supporter number just send us an email at or call (03) 9342 2611 and a member of our team will be happy to help!
What is an online fundraising page?
An online fundraising page acts as a mini webpage for your event. It allows you to collect donations online, without the need for cash, and send a link out to friends and family far and wide! You can create your own online fundraising page here.
Questions about Hosting
My workplace is working from home, how do we celebrate Footy Colours Day?
As many of us continue to work from home, you can still host a Footy Colours Day event.
We've put together some information to help you get started, and created some games and resources especially for those still working remotely. Click here to learn more.
Do I get a host kit and what is in it?
To ensure as many of the funds raised by Footy Colours Day participants are directed to our education support programs, we have made the decision to stop sending physical participation packs. We have a range of resources, including posters, available for free download in the Tips & Tools section of our website. We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
Keep an eye out for our email which contains your unique supporter number and banking instructions form.
Can I get more decorations and resources?
You can! We have lots of free downloadable decorations and resources in our Tips and Tools hub here!
Where does my fundraising money go?
All the money you raise through Footy Colours Day funds Fight Cancer Foundation’s education support programs which help kids with cancer keep up with school during cancer treatment and recovery. You can read more about your impact here.
How do I raise more funds?
To maximise your fundraising efforts here are some tips you might like to try!
- Don’t be afraid to ask!
- Ask local businesses or clubs to donate items for a raffle or morning tea
- Extend your circle – ask friends of friends to donate to your event
- Communicate the impact their donation will have for kids with cancer
- Ask your workplace if they would be willing to dollar match – many are!
What do I do if I want to change my event date?
You can either email us or call us on (03) 9342 2611 and let us know the rescheduled date.
How do we advise FCD of a change in contact person originally advised?
You can either email us or call us on (03) 9342 2611 and let us know the new details of the person running the event.
What is the Hall of Fame?
We have so many wonderful participants each year who continually blow us away with both their support and creativity. The Hall of Fame is our way of saying thanks and spotlighting participants for their incredible Footy Colours Day spirit!
How do I apply for the Hall of Fame?
Simply complete this form and attach your photos to go in the running!
Questions about Banking
How do I bank my funds?
If you collected funds offline (physical cash), there are multiple ways you can bank your money. You can find these here.
If you collected funds with an official Footy Colours Day online fundraising page, you do not need to do anything further. The funds are automatically transferred to our account.
If completing a bank deposit, should I send a copy of the receipt?
Yes, once funds are deposited at the bank please email us a copy of the receipt and your supporter number (found on your banking instructions form) so we can allocate the funds to your account when funds come through.
Why do I need to keep my bank receipt?
We sometimes do not receive funds that supporters have banked, so it assists in tracking the money deposited.
How do I get my tax receipt?
If you banked funds via our website, bank deposit, cheque or money order: Once we receive your donation, and provided you used your unique supporter number, a tax receipt will be emailed to you for the lump sum of your donation.
If you require an individual tax receipt please contact a member of our team. Note: we can only provide one form of tax receipt.
If you raised funds using an official Footy Colours Day fundraising page: Everyone who makes a donation to your fundraising page will receive their own receipt automatically.
If you would like an official letter stating the total amount you raised as a school, organisation, group or club, please contact us directly.
What should I do if we did not go ahead with our event?
We understand that sometimes even the best laid plans can go awry! If your Footy Colours Day event did not go ahead, we simply ask that you let us know so we can update our records. Please email or phone us on (03) 9342 2611 to let us know as soon as possible.
What should we do if we have an event but no funds are raised?
So we can update our records and ensure you are not sent follow up emails, please email or phone us on (03) 9342 2611 to let us know.
If the event does not go ahead can we still collect funds and send through?
Of course! Every dollar we receive goes a long way in supporting kids with cancer. We welcome your fund raising efforts even if an event is not held!
Can we use funds raised from our Footy Colours Day event to make a donation to another charity or event?
We depend on funds raised through Footy Colours Day to enable us to help kids with cancer keep up with school through our education support programs. It is important that if you host an event using the Footy Colours Day name, all funds raised are donated to Fight Cancer Foundation.